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Pubblicazioni di G. Borgioli

Testi didattici:

  • G. Borgioli,  "Modelli Matematici ed Equazioni di Evoluzione", CELID, Torino, 1996. 

Problemi a frontiera libera per equazioni paraboliche:

  • G. Borgioli, E. Di Benedetto, M. Ughi, "Stefan problems with nonlinear boundary conditions: the polygonal method", Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 58, pp.  539-546, 1978. 
  • G. Borgioli, E. Di Benedetto, M. Ughi, ``Il metodo di Huber per problemi a contorno libero con dominio inizialmente degenere", Rapporto interno n.10, Istituto Matematico ``U. Dini", Università degli Studi di Firenze, 1976-77.

Teoria del trasporto, equazioni evolutive e stazionarie, metodi della teoria dei semigruppi di operatori: 

  • G. Borgioli, G. Busoni, G. Frosali, "Strict solution of a nonlinear evolution problem in a time dependent domain", Nonlinear Analysis-Theory Methods & Applications, 4, 6, pp.1135-1149,1980.
  • G. Borgioli, "On the stationary integral equation for speed dependent neutron transport in a cylindrical system",Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana - Supplemento (Fisica Matematica), 2, pp.91-112,1983.
  • G. Borgioli, G. Frosali, C. Van Der Mee, "A stationary criticality problem in general Lp-space for energy dependent neutron transport in cylindrical geometry", Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 35, pp.166-180, 1984.
  • G. Borgioli, G. Frosali, C. Van Der Mee, "Comparison of the critical eigenvalues for integral neutron transport equation in different geometries", Transport Theory and Statistical Physics, 14, 2, pp.223-252, 1985.
  • G. Borgioli, G. Frosali, "Criticality transport problems for spherical systems with specular type boundary conditions", Transport Theory and Statistical Physics, 15, 6 & 7, pp.937-958, 1986.
  • G. Borgioli, S. Totaro, "A particle transport problem with a quadratic nonlinearity and general boundary conditions: the stationary solution", Meccanica, 25, pp.12-17, 1990.
  • G. Borgioli, S. Totaro, "Semigroup properties of the streaming operator with multiplying boundary conditions", Transport Theory and Statistical Physics, 23, 7, pp.1035-1049,1994.
  • G. Borgioli, S. Totaro, "Semigroup generation properties of the streaming operator in dependence of the boundary conditions", Transport Theory and Statistical Physics, 25, 3-5, pp.491-502, 1996.
  • G. Borgioli, S. Totaro, "3d-streaming operator with multiplying boundary conditions: semigroup generation properties", Semigroup Forum, 55, pp.110-117, 1997.
  • Borgioli G., Monaco R., "On a mathematical model of dust coagulation in interstellar clouds, Math. Meth. Appl. Sci., DOI: 10.1002/mma.1304, 2010.

Teoria cinetica dei gas:modelli a ripartizione discreta e semidiscreta di velocità:

  • Borgioli G., Monaco R., Toscani G., "The semidiscrete Enskog equation", Proocedings of WASCOM 1989 (V Conference on Waves and Stability in Continuous Media), pp. 35-40, World Scientific, Singapore, 1989.
  • Borgioli G., Toscani G., Pulvirenti A., "On the Cauchy problem for the semidiscrete Enskog equation",  Advances In Kinetic Theory And Continuum Mechanics, pp.91-98, Springer Verlag, Berlino, 1991.
  • Borgioli G., Lauro G., Monaco R., "On the discrete velocity models of the Enskog equation", Nonlinear Kinetic Theory And Mathematical Aspects Of Hyperbolic Systems, pp. 38-47, World Scientific, Singapore, 1992.
  • Borgioli G., Gerasimenko V., Lauro G., Monaco R., "Many particles dynamical system formulation for the discrete Enskog gas", Transport Theory and Statistical Physics, 25, 3-5, pp.581-592, 1996.
  • Borgioli G., Gerasimenko V., Lauro G., Monaco R., "A discrete velocity model of a gas: global in time solutions of the BBGKY hierarchy", Reports On Mathematical Physics, 40, 3, pp.431-442, 1997.
  • Borgioli G., Gerasimenko V., Lauro G., "Derivation of a discrete Enskog equation from the dynamics of particles", Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico dell'Università e del Politecnico di Torino, 56, 2, pp.59-69, 1998.
Evoluzione di sistemi classici e quantistici a molte particelle: gerarchie BBGKY e gerarchie duali 
  • Borgioli G., Gerasimenko V., "Semigroups generated by the dual BBGKY hierarchy", Proceedings of the International Conference On Mathematical Physics, Department Of Mathematics, Faculty Of Science, Nagpur University, pp.103-118, Nagpur (India), 1999.
  •  Borgioli G., Gerasimenko V., "The dual BBGKY hierarchy for the evolution of observables", Rivista Matematica dell'Università di Parma, 4, 6, pp.251-267, 2001.
  • Borgioli G., Gerasimenko V., "On the initial value problem to the quantum dual BBGKY hierarchy", arXiv: 0806.1027, Rapporto Interno n. DET-02-08.
  • Borgioli G., Gerasimenko V., "Initial-value problem of the quantum dual BBGKY hierarchy",  Il Nuovo Cimento, Vol.33 C, N.1, DOI: 10.1393/ncc/i2010-10564-6, 2010.

Modelli matematici per dispositivi a semiconduttori a comportamento quantistico, equazione di Schrödinger, funzione di Wigner, idrodinamica quantistica:

  • Barletti L., Borgioli G., Camprini M., Cidronali A., Frosali G., "Corrente di tunneling in un diodo risonante interbanda (RITD) - Tunneling current in resonant interband tunneling diode (RITD), Abstracts del V Congresso Nazionale SIMAI (Società Italiana di Matematica Applicata ed Industriale), pp. 558-561, Ischia Porto (Napoli), 2000.
  • Borgioli G., Biondini S., "Rigorous derivation of Kane models for interband tunneling", Proceedings of  Wascom 2003 (XII Conference on Waves and Stability in Continuous Media), pp.70-77, World Scientific (Singapore) 2003.
  • Borgioli G., Frosali G., Biondini S., "Quantum hydrodynamic equations arising from the Wigner-Kane model", Abstracts dell'18th International Conference on Transport Theory (18 Ictt), Rio De Janeiro, pp. 6-10, 2003.
  • Borgioli G., Frosali G., Zweifel P., "Wigner approach to the two-band Kane model for a tunneling diode", Transport Theory and Statistical Physics, 32 (3,4), pp. 347-366, 2003.
  • Borgioli G., Frosali G., Modugno M., Morandi O.,  "Different approaches for multi-band transport in semiconductors", Abstracts dell'International Conference on Recent Trends in Kinetic Theory and its Applications, Institute of Mathematics of Nasu (Kyiv), Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics of Nasu (Kyiv), Wolfgang Pauli Institute (Vienna), Intas Project Partial Differential Equations Modeling Semiconductors (N. 001-15), pp. 16-18, Kyiv, 2004.
  • Borgioli G., Morandi O., Frosali G., Modugno M.,  "Different approaches for multiband transport in semiconductors", Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 57, 6, pp. 742-748, 2005.
  • Borgioli G., Frosali G., "Two-band dynamics in semiconductor devices: physical and numerical validation" Abstracts della XIII Conference on Waves and Stability in Continuous Media (Wascom 2005) Santa Tecla (Catania), 2005.
  • Borgioli G., Frosali G., "Drift-diffusion scaling for two-band transport models for charge carriers in semiconductor devices", Abstracts della 19th International Conference on Transport Theory (19 Ictt) Budapest, 2005.
  • Borgioli G., Frosali G., Manzini C., "Hydrodynamic models for a two-band nonzero-temperature quantum fluid", Proceedings of  Wascom 2005 (XIII Conference on Waves and Stability in Continuous Media), pp.53-58, World Scientific (Singapore), 2006.
  • Borgioli G., Frosali G. and C. Manzini, "Quantum high-field corrections to a drift-collision  balance model of semiconductor transport", Transport Theory Stat. Physics, 37(5), pp. 381-411, ISSN: 0041-1450, doi: 10.1080/00411450802526293, 2008.
  • Borgioli G., Frosali G., and Manzini C., "Derivation of a quantum hydrodynamic model in the high-field case" , in R .Monaco et al. (Eds.) "Proceedings WASCOM2007 14th Conference on Waves  and Stability in Continuous Media", pp. 60-65, World Scientific, Singapore, 2008.

Problemi matematici per l'individuazione di oggetti sotterranei tramite tecniche radar e metodi acustici:

  • Capineri L., Falorni P., Matucci S., Borgioli G., Windsor C.,  "The estimation of buried pipe diameters using ground penetrating radar", Insight, 47, 7, pp.394-399, 2005.
  • Borgioli G., Falorni P., Capineri L., Morini B., Matucci S. and Windsor C.G., "Estimation of Buried Pipes Diameter and Position by Ground Penetrating Radar Scans", Proceedings of abstracts presented at  Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium 2006, Cambridge (MA) , USA, 26-29 March 2006. pp.557.
  • Windsor C.G., Borgioli G., Falorni P., Capineri L., Morini B. and Matucci S., "A data point-labelled generalised Hough transform for extracting reflections from buried objects in ground penetrating radar scans", abstract presented at  Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium 2007.
  • Borgioli G., Bulletti A., Calzolai M., Capineri L., Falorni P., Masotti L., Valentini S. and Windsor C.G., "Theoretical and experimental analysis of an equivalent model for the investigation of shallow landmines with acoustic methods ", SPIE Europe Security & Defence & Symposium, Florence, Italy 17-20 September 2007.
  • Borgioli G., Capineri L., Falorni P., Matucci S. and Windsor C.G., "The detection of buried pipes from time-of-flight radar data", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, vol. 46; p. 2254-2266, ISSN: 0196-2892, DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2008.928722, 2008.
  • Capineri L., Ivashov S., Bechtel T., Zhuravlev A., Falorni P., Windsor C.G., Borgioli G., Vasiliev I. and Sheyko A., " Comparison of GPR Sensor Types for Landmine Detection and Discrimination", Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar, June 16-19,2008, Birmingham, UK.
  • Bulletti A., Valentini S., Cioria F., Borgioli G., Calzolai M., Capineri L., Masotti L. , "Silicon micromachined accelerometers for the detection of compliant anti-personnel landmines", IEEE Sensors 2008, October, 26-29 2008, Lecce, Italy.
  • Capineri L., Falorni P., Borgioli G., Bechtel T., Ivashov S., Zhuravlev A., Vasiliev I., Paradiso M., Cartocci G., "Application of the Holographic Radar RASCAN to Cultural Heritage Inspection", Workshop on "Advances in Remote Sensing for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage management", Rome 30 September - 4 October, 2008.
  • Capineri L., Falorni P., Borgioli G., Bulletti A., Valentini S., Ivashov S., Zhuravlev A., Razevig V., Vasiliev I., Paradiso M., Windsor C., Bechtel T. , "Application of the RASCAN Holographic Radar to Cultural Heritage Inspections", ARCHAEOLOGICAL PROSPECTION, vol. 16; p. 218-230, ISSN: 1099-0763, doi: 10.1002/arp.360, 2009.
  • Bulletti A., Valentini S., Borgioli G., Calzolai M., Capineri L., Mazzoni M., "Acousto-seismic method for buried objects detection by means of surface acceleration measurements and audio facilities", ( in corso di stampa su IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING), 2009.
ultimo aggiornamento: 25-Feb-2009
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