Activity Presentation
The research activity deals with the investigation of some mathematical aspects arising in some electronic engineering and telecommunications problems, mainly in the circuit theory, in electromagnetism, and in the neural network analysis.
Such researches are partially supported by grants of M.U.R.S.T. and by G.N.A.F.A. and G.N.F.M. of the Italian National Research Council (C.N.R.).
More specifically, the main topics investigated in the last years are:
Qualitative analysis of nonlinear ordinary differential and difference equations (oscillation, nonoscillation, boundedness, asymptotic behavior, boundary value problems, ...)
- Existence of travelling wave solutions for reaction-diffusion equations with convective terms and continuous dependence for the physical parameters
Dynamical behavior of non linear neural networks (stability of the equilibrium points, attraction domains, asymptotic behavior) and their applicability to solve optimization problems in telecommunications and automatic control
Mathematical modelling in kinetic theory and transport theory
Mathematical aspects in some electromagnetic compatibility problems